So clearly, the theme of the week seems to be makeup (see posts here and here), so it only seemed fitting to do a VLOG about my daily makeup routine. I played with the idea to do a Vlog last year but I chickened out. Also, I didn’t have a computer that could handle it. Now that I have a new laptop, I am running out of excuses. I’ve also been into watching YouTube beauty gurus. My favorite to watch is Elle of AllThatGlitters21 (I’ve been watching her for years!). So it was fun to pretend that I was a super stylish beauty guru.
I am warning you, this video is 16 minutes long and I just took it on a whim (with the camera on my computer) while getting ready one night before I was meeting my friends for drinks/dinner. It’s so long because I didn’t feel like trying to edit it down but you can skip through to different parts just to get an idea of my routine in the morning. I usually only take around 10 minutes to do my makeup in the mornings but since I was talking (a lot, sorry) it ended up being a lot longer.
It’s always weird seeing someone speak and see their mannerisms after only reading their blog. You kind of create who they are in your head and then when you see them interact and hear them speak, it kind of gives you a better idea of who they are which is one of the reasons I really wanted to publish this!
Some things I will work on:
Finding somewhere with better lighting.
I am so not a quiet person, but it seems like I need to speak up a bit more.
Talk less (umm.. yeah.. 16 minutes)
Quit moving around so much!
Look less at the screen and more at the camera.
I will try to do a more watchable, 2-5 minute video next time (if there is a next time), I promise! I was thinking of answering some of the questions asked last year as my next VLOG but if you have other ideas you’d rather watch or any updated questions, let me know in the comments (on this post, not on YouTube).
Have a fabulous day!